Welcome to the AFDICA Charitable Services

The mission of AFDICA’s Charitable Services is to raise funds to support a variety of programs to increase financial literacy and support members with local charities. The AFDICA board approved continuing support of both Jump$tart, Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy (www.jumpstart.org)a non-profit organization, which offers teachers scholarships to advance financial literacy education and the Army Scholarship Foundation (https://armyscholarshipfoundation.org/). The latter provides scholarships to children or spouses of military members to pursue higher education financial degrees. Please click on each organization for further information. Click here for additional information on the most recent awardees.

Launch of AFDICA Annual Essay Contest

The AFDICA board also approved the launch of an annual essay contest.  The purpose of this contest is to further the AFDICA’s mission to enhance financial literacy education.  The winner will receive an award of $1,000 based on the evaluation of the content writing style and creativity of an original written essay.

Eligible participants include dependents or grandchildren of current FDIC employees who are also a current high school senior who is planning to further their education in the following academic year at an accredited university, college or vocational school.  For more information, including this year’s essay topic, timeline for submission and selection critieria, please click here.

Charitable Services Matching Funds Program

In addition, since its inception, the AFDICA has supported its Charitable Services Matching Funds Program.  The purpose is to offer members the opportunity to request matching funds o support charitable organizations in their communities with whom they are affiliated.  Please click here for additional information on how to request matching funds.

We welcome new Charitable Services Committee Members

The Charitable Services Committee welcomes new ideas both for raising funds and options for charitable donations.  If you are interested in being a part of this dynamic committee, please click this link:  Volunteer and complete the form.  Or, feel free to contact me at i[email protected]. 

We welcome donations

In 2024, your generous donations have helped us raise $10,900.  We hope you will continue your financial support.  For member donations, please click here Members Donations..  If you know of a non-member wishing to donate, please ask them to click on this link:  Non-Member/Guest Donations.   If you prefer to donate by check, please send your check made payable to AFDICA and mail it to:  Association of Federal Deposit insurance Corporation Alumni, Inc, P.O. Box 83775, Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3775.

Thank you for being a part of AFDICA. CSC looks forward to working with you and creating fun ways to raise funds to support the advancement of financial literacy.



Mindy West
Vice President for Charitable Services