Association of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Alumni Inc.
Charitable Donations
December 2024

 As you know AFDICA goals are fellowship, education, and charity.  The AFDICA Board created a Charitable Services Committee (CSC) to identify potential charitable activities for members and ensure that the fundraising is planned, focused and done well.  In addition, the CSC established a Scholarship Committee specifically to conceive the focus, nominating process, and to organize a scholarship awards program.

CSC received numerous ideas and suggestions on where funds raised should be donated.  The AFDICA 2018 Board members recognized that it was a daunting task to identify and navigate the vast number of organizations that can use the funds we raise.  However, because we were a new organization, CSC recommended that AFDICA minimize administrative costs and time needed to fulfill our mission by partnering with other organizations to award scholarships with an organization focused on financial literacy and/or providing scholarships that focus on financial literacy.

To that end, CSC identified two organizations, Jump$tart and Army Scholarship Foundation (ASF).  AFDICA has sponsored teachers and scholarships since 2018.  While all the military branches have scholarship programs, we initiated discussions with the ASF in part due to the program management’s proximity in Texas to the AFDICA Vice President for Charitable Services.

Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. The coalition consists of more than 100 national organizations and a network of 51 independent, affiliated state coalitions that share a commitment to advancing youth financial literacy. 

Since 2009, Jump$tart has hosted a National Educator’s Conference (NEC) which is the nation’s premier professional development event for Pre-kindergarten through grade 12 teachers dedicated to financial education in the classroom. Through the generosity of our membership in 2024, the AFDICA sponsored eight teachers with a fully covered cost of $1500 each, to attend this conference.  The conference offers tools and information teachers can use in their classrooms upon their return to their schools.  The conference also provides an opportunity for Jump$tart partners, such as the AFDICA to share their resources and expertise with the educators.  Click here to see the 2024 recipients

Army Scholarship Foundation (ASF) 

The Army Scholarship Foundation is a charitable, non-profit organization providing college scholarships for undergraduate study to deserving children of current and former members of the U.S, Army and to spouses of currently serving soldiers. It is not sponsored by the military. In 2024, AFDICA sponsored four students, each with a $1000 scholarship, to pursue financial degrees in the higher education endeavors. Click here to view the 2024-2025 recipients.

ASF currently has an online application on their website,   The application process includes the criteria for receipt of a scholarship which includes school grades, financial need, participation in the community and the enlisted grade of the veteran.

AFDICA Charitable Services Matching Funds program. - In 2018 the AFDICA Board considered another charity objective to support our members.  The Board approved a matching annual contribution up to $250 per member for the charity of their choice.  The matching request is sent to the AFDICA Board for consideration to ensure that the request is consistent with AFDICA’s charitable objectives. The guidance for submitting a matching award is found on our website.  The AFDICA makes the contribution directly to the charity.  In 2023, AFDICA matched awards to 4 members for a total of $1,000.