AFDICA Committees

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Educational Services Committee – educate various communities on financial education, using FDIC Money Smart curricula as a base. In addition, members help plan educational programs for AFDICA members. 
Charitable Services Committee – identify potential organizations for donations from AFDICA and plan fundraising.
Membership and Fellowship Committee - organize social activities for members and plan new member recruitment events.
Communication Committee – ensure current and future members learn of member activities including volunteer, employment, travel, educational and other activities.
Nominating Committee - appointed by the President of AFDICA Board (Board), help advise the Board both on prospective new Board members and on nominations for AFDICA’s Lifelong Achievement award.
Annual Meeting Planning Committee - organize, plan and facilitate the AFDICA’s Annual Meeting including programming, speakers, and logistics.
Audit Committee - oversee and ensure that AFDICA records and reporting properly meet requirements.

To find out more about or join a committee click  Volunteer