Mitchell Glassman, Douglas H. Jones and Robert W. Mooney 
AFDICA's 2020 Life Long Career Achievement Awardees


 Association of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Alumni, Inc.
Life Long Achievement award

The By-Laws of the Association of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Alumni, Inc. (AFDICA) allow the recognition of life-long or career achievements of outstanding current or former FDIC employees and their commitment to service to their country.

The criteria for the award should weigh heavily on the significance and long lasting impact of a nominee's accomplishments. Criteria may include, but may not be limited to achievements in the following areas: (1) fellowship, (2) education, (3) charity or (4) support of the mission of AFDICA or the FDIC.

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On November 13, 2020 during AFDICA's virtual annual meeting, AFDICA President Fred Selby presented the Association's 2020 Life Long Achievement awards to three worthy recipients: MItchell Glassman, Douglas H. Jones and Robert  W. Mooney.

Attributes and Achievements of the Awardees: 

This year we have three worthy recipients:

  Mitchell l. Glassman: Rising from the position of field liquidator to Division Director, Mitchell drew upon his accumulated knowledge and leadership skills, developed over the course of a 35-year career, to successfully lead the division of resolutions and receiverships and the FDIC through an historic financial crisis. Every day of his career, Mitchell was dedicated to the FDIC’s core mission of paying insured deposits as soon as possible. He inspired countless division personnel to be innovative in improving processes to ensure continued achievement of the mission. Apropos to this dedication, Mitchell worked tirelessly in establishing AFDICA to ensure FDIC corporate readiness should a future crisis arise. As an inspirational leader, DRR staff wanted to work for Mitchell. By his actions, he exemplified the dual leadership virtues of honesty and integrity. He rarely accepted credit for successes, instead deferring to other team members. He trusted his employees and routinely delegated high-profile projects to provide opportunities to gain valuable experience. His past motivating leadership with FDIC and current charitable endeavors with Manna Food Center Food Bank have inspired countless others to be better people.

  Douglas H. Jones: Doug began as a lawyer with FDIC in 1974. He rose through the ranks over his career to serve as Deputy General Counsel and Acting General Counsel numerous times pending appointment of general counsels by incoming chairman. Doug was involved in every major issue affecting the funds from the S&L bailout to regulatory relief, to recapitalization of the bank insurance fund, to industrial loan corporations, etc. He was responsible for legislation review and sending ideas to congress for legislation helpful to the FDIC. He testified before congress numerous times. At one markup, Senator D’Amto called him up front to ask for clarification on an issue. Other hearings transcripts show members of congress being grateful to see “that Doug Jones is here with us”. Doug was extremely professional in all his dealings with everyone, very responsive, and well respected. He was understated and diligent in his efforts. Fred Selby recalls having a conference call on his home phone with Alice Goodman and Doug about Glass Steagall reform on a Saturday night. His dedication and respect is evidenced by the creation of the Doug Jones Legal Award, given to those who emulate his character in the Legal Division. Fred further remembers that in one leadership exercise in a management school the group was asked to list someone we admired: He listed Doug!

  Robert W. Mooney: For more than 26 years, Mr. Mooney demonstrated a deep and unwavering commitment to promoting opportunities for institutions to meet the financial needs of the underserved communities, ensure fair lending and promote equal access to credit. Mr. Mooney’s colleagues have recognized him as a person who has devoted his live to social justice and uplifting those who may be economically or socially disadvantaged, whether in banking, at the FDIC, or in individual communities. Mr. Mooney’s legacy includes his strong commitment to mentoring and sharing his vast knowledge with FDIC employees; serving as a role model for how to inspire and motivate employees; and engaging in storytelling that caused us to laugh and learn.

Past Recipients: The 2018 recipient was Dwight Hills Wilson II, Chief of the Transportation Unit in DOA at headquarters. The 2019 recipient was Andrew C “Skip” Hove, Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman of the FDIC.