Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):  AFDICA Essay Contest


1. Who is eligible to participate in the AFDICA essay contest?

Answer:  A dependent or grandchild of a current FDIC employee who is a current high school senior who is planning to further their education in the following academic year (2025-2026) at an accredited university, college, or vocational school.

2 .Would someone be eligible to participate in the essay contest if they were planning to take a year off after high school before attending an accredited university, college, or vocational school?

Answer:  Eligible participants should submit an essay during the same calendar year they plan to attend an accredited university, college, or vocational school.

3.  Would someone planning to attend a fine arts or similar program post-high school be eligible to participate in the essay contest?

Answer:  Yes

4.  Has the FDIC Ethics Office determined that receipt of this award would not be in violation of the “gift”  prohibitions of the ethics rules of 5 CFR 2635.204(d) that pertain to FDIC employees?

Answer:  Yes.  The FDIC Ethics Office has reviewed the AFDICA essay contest approved standards and has determined that the award to the winner would meet an exception to the gift prohibition and therefore be permissible.

 5.  How is this contest being funded?

Answer:  The AFDICA board has set aside guaranteed funding for this program.

6.  Will there be more contests like this one in the future?

Answer:  This will be an annual contest with a new topic announced in February of each year.


 7.  What is the topic for this year’s essay?

Answer:  For 2025, the topic for the essay is:  Please describe challenges and barriers you have faced meeting a personal financial goal, how you overcame them, and lessons you learned in achieving your financial goal.

Format Required

8. How long should the essay be?

Answer:  The essays should be between 500-750 words

9. What language is required for essay submission?

Answer:  The essays should be in English

10.  What software should be used to write and submit the essay?

Answer:  The essays should be submitted in PDF format.

11.  What information do I need to include with submission in addition to the essay?

Answer:  The essays should be accompanied by writer’s name and  e-mail address.

12.  May I submit more than one essay?

Answer:  No

 13.  Who may I contact if I have a question about or an issue with my submission?

Answer:  Please submit your question to: [email protected].


Selection Process

14.  Who will be selecting the contest winner?

Answer:  Contest judging will be conducted by a committee of AFDICA members and they will review essays anonymously.

 15.  What criteria will the selection committee use to evaluate the essays?

Answer:  The selection committee will evaluate the essays based on content, writing style and creativity of the essay.


Essay Submission Process

16.  When are essays due?

Answer:  Essays should be received in the requisite format by May 1, 2025.

17.  Where should essays be submitted?

Answer:  Essays should be submitted to:  [email protected]


Essay Award

18.  When will participants be notified of the winners of the award? 

Answer:  The winner and other participants will be notified in early June 2025

19. How much will winner of the essay contest receive?

Answer:  The winner of the contest will receive a one-time award of $1,000.

20.  When will the winner of the contest be announced?

Answer:  The winner of the contest will be announced in June 30, 2025.


Questions or Additional Information

Please email [email protected]