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AFDICA Providing Resource Information for Federal Employees

The AFDICA is a non-profit organization comprised of former employees of the FDIC and the RTC that seeks to provide fellowship, education and charity in its’ activities.  It is also committed to the fundamental principles of diversity, inclusion, and non-discrimination and to providing support and information to former colleagues.  We are aware that current and former FDIC employees are struggling with the uncertainties brought on by the hiring freeze and job terminations being implemented by the current U.S. administration. To provide critical information to affected FDIC employees and alumni, AFDICA will be providing links and other helpful information on this site. This will be a working website which will continue to be updated as new information becomes available.  If you come across any information that you think should be added to this website, please send it to [email protected].

GOVERNMENT RESOURCES: This section provides information on how to contact your members of Congress.  Many alumni and employees impacted have done so and are hoping they will act.  Some members of Congress also share information on their website that is helpful to employees that have been laid off.  Here you will also find links to websites from Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia that contain information on resources available for federal employees impacted by recent layoffs.  Several counties in Maryland and Virginia that are offering resources have also created websites.

EMPLOYMENT RESOURCES: This section provides information on several excellent job recruitment sites.  These include the Conference of State Bank Supervisors which is currently posting many financial and examiner type jobs at the Washington, DC and state levels.  Some local government job sites are shared as well as links to many national job recruiting sites that include usajobs.gov, monster.com, careerbuilder.com and others.  Information on determining your service and appointment type is also provided.

FINANCIAL RESOURCES:  This section provides valuable information on how federal employees can apply for unemployment compensation for federal employees (UCFE) in the state in which they live. Information on programs that may help you with reducing your student loan, mortgage, rent and utilities payments is also shared.

HEALTHCARE RESOURCES: During times of stress, we must stay focused on our physical and mental health.  In this section you will find information on continuing your health coverage through the Temporary FEHB Continuation of Coverage (TCC).  TCC can be expensive so other information about the health care options offered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are also shown.  And finally, links to organizations that can help maintain mental health are also shared.

LEGAL RESOURCES: This section provides many legal resources that support your rights as a federal employee. The information shared is provided for informational purposes only, and not as legal advice. Information shared here includes employee rights and appeals, finding affordable legal aid, whistleblower information and discussions by the Union Lawyers Alliance (ULA).   Information on the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and prohibited personnel practices is also provided.

CURRENT RESOURCES: This section will provide information that includes employee rights discussion boards and also information on proposed legislation and executive orders that may impact employees.


AFDICA Background

AFDICA was founded in 2016 as a non-profit 501(c) (3) tax exempt charitable organization, incorporated in the state of Delaware. Its mission is to provide an opportunity for FDIC Alumni to gather for social events and through educational outreach activities, to assist the FDIC in expanding the MoneySmart Financial Literacy program through the use of alumni volunteers. We will also engage our membership to support a variety of charitable causes. In addition, we will provide the FDIC with an opportunity to connect with members of the AFDICA in the event of a financial crises or, to provide assistance on matters of divisional or agency strategic importance.

Being a Member of AFDICA will provide you with a portal to connect with former colleagues and friends with whom you may have lost contact. We sincerely hope you will become a member of AFDICA and will enjoy the benefits of joining a common community of fellowship.

The value of Membership in AFDICA.

As the organization grows and we are able to identify geographic areas of alumni concentration, we hope to leverage that information into a thoughtful strategic plan that will support our membership in their efforts to conduct local charitable fundraising events, social events like golf, picnics, dinners and theater outings. We will hold our next annual meeting with our AFDICA membership in the fall and plan to have various regional social events in the interim.

Please examine the By-Laws on this website. A great deal of thought and effort has gone into creating the Association of FDIC Alumni, Inc. We welcome alumni, no matter what position, division, or grade held while working for the FDIC, to assist in the leadership of this organization.

The First AFDICA Board of Directors election was held on October 2, 2017.  Elections for Board members and officers occur annually in October. We invite those of you who would like to donate your time, energy and effort to help lead and grow this organization, to contact us at i[email protected]   

Together, we have an opportunity to do great things.

The Benefits of Membership

For some, the opportunity to reconnect with former FDIC colleagues that you’ve worked with is the most important and for others, it may be to network and establish communications with others who may help you in your career. The basic principles of Fellowship, Education and Charity should provide everyone with something they will cherish and enjoy.

  •  AFDICA members are eligible for membership in NASA Credit Union (the FDIC Credit Union merged with the NASA Credit Union) with a special joining bonus.
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We encourage you to get involved by volunteering:

  • Establishing and supporting charitable activities
  • Participating in Money Smart and financial literacy training 
  • Participating in the management of the AFDICA - join a board committee
  • Helping to organize social activities

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